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Press Releases

Comment by MOFAT Spokesperson on the Statement of the North Korean Foreign Ministry


1. The Government of the Republic of Korea deeply regrets the statement made by the spokesman for the 
North Korean Foreign Ministry on October 2, 2003, that North Korea has successfully finished the 
reprocessing of its spent fuel rods and "made a switchover in the use of plutonium churned out by 
reprocessing spent fuel rods in the direction increasing its nuclear deterrent force."

2. We are concerned that North Korea's statement could not only impede a peaceful resolution of North 
Korea's nuclear issue and the development of inter-Korean relations, but also damage the dialogue 
atmosphere created by the Six-Party Talks.

3. We strongly urge North Korea to refrain from any action that would aggravate the current situation and to 
agree to reconvene the Six-Party Talks at an early date.

4. The ROK government will maintain close consultation with the related countries, including the United 
States, so as to find out the details of the situation and seek appropriate measures to be taken.


                                                                        Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation