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Press Releases

The 2002 APEC Trade Ministers' Meeting to be Held


1. The 2002 APEC Trade Ministers' Meeting will be held from May 29 to 30, 2002, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. 
The Korean Delegation to this Meeting will be led by Mr. Hwang Doo-yun, Minister for Trade and will consist 
of officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Ministry of 
Agriculture and Forestry, and private sector experts.

2. At this Meeting, the Trade Ministers will discuss ways to 1) implement the Leader's Statement on Counter-
Terrorism; 2) implement the Shanghai Accord; 3) strengthen the multilateral trade system; 3) contribute to 
the WTO Doha Development Agenda negotiations; and 4) promote Trade and Investment Liberalization and 
Facilitation and related issues.

3. Minister Hwang will also discuss progress made in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations and ways 
to revitalize the global economy at the luncheon meeting that will be attended by the WTO Secretary General 
Mike Moore and World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn. Through dialogue with the APEC Business 
Advisory Council (ABAC), the Ministers will receive input from business people, the main beneficiaries of 
APEC initiatives, in setting the future direction of APEC activities.

4. The purpose of this ministerial level meeting is also to examine the preparations for the 10th APEC 
Summit Meeting and the 14th Ministerial Meeting to be held in October this year in Los Cabos, Mexico. In line 
with Korea's open trade policy, the Korean delegation will actively participate in the preparatory discussions.

5. Minister Hwang will take this opportunity to have bilateral trade minister meetings with his counterparts 
from Australia and Thailand to discuss international and bilateral trade issues.


                                                           Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation