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Press Releases

Korea to Participate in the 2nd APEC Senior Officials Meeting for 2002


1. From May 23 to 25, 2002, the APEC SOM II will be held in Merida, Mexico, and participated by 
representatives of 21 APEC member countries. The Korean delegation to the Meeting will be led by Mr. Kim 
Kwang Dong, Deputy Minister for Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and consist of officials 
from relevant ministries.

2. Mexico, this year's chair country, has designated the main theme of the APEC Summit for 2002 as 
"Expanding the Benefits of Economic Growth and Development and Implementing the Vision". With respect to 
this theme, Mexico has proposed to promote the following as major projects 1) Implementation of 
Appropriate Trade, Investment, and Financial Policies that Foster Growth and Take Advantage of the New 
Economy, 2) The Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro-enterprises, and 3) Fostering 
Greater Participation from Youth and Women.

3. At the SOM II, member countries will discuss future plans for APEC and examine the implementation of 
follow-up measures to that which was adopted at the APEC Summit held in China in 2001, including the 
Shanghai Accord and the Statement on Counter-terrorism. They will also discuss ways to cooperate among 
APEC member countries for the advancement of the WTO DDA negotiations, and capacity building projects to 
implement WTO agreements. 

4. Last year, Korea actively participated in cooperation efforts made in the overall trade and investment 
sector, including cooperation among APEC member countries to launch the WTO DDA negotiations. At the 
Shanghai Summit in October last year, Korea also proposed projects to reduce poverty and bridge the digital 
divide, such as the realization of an e-government, and IT capacity building projects for women and the 

5. In this regard, Korea will request for cooperation from each country for the proposed projects to contribute 
to and to serve as major outcomes of APEC activities. Korea will also explain the preparations that have 
been made for this year's APEC High Level Symposium on E-Government (to be held in July in Seoul), and 
for the International IT Camp for Young People with Disabilities (to be held in August in Seoul). Furthermore, 
Korea will also take this opportunity to explain the outcomes of the First APEC Ocean-related Ministerial 
Meeting, held from April 22 to 26 of this year, and to emphasize the importance of this Meeting.

6. This year's APEC Summit and Ministerial Meeting will be held in Los Cabos, Mexico in October. There will 
be preliminary meetings for the above-mentioned meetings: the Trade Ministers Meeting, to be held in Puerto 
Vallarta in May, the Finance Ministers Meeting in Los Cabos in September, and the 3rd Higher Level Meeting 
in Acapulco in August.

7. In preparation for the APEC Summit to be hosted by Korea in 2005, the Korean delegation will have 
discussions with China, last year's Summit host; Mexico, this year's chair country; Thailand, host country for 
2003; and Chile, host country for 2004.


                                                                  Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation