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Press Releases

ROK-US Foreign Ministers' Talks


1.      Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ban Ki-moon, met with US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, at the 
Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York on September 23, while participating in the 59th Session of the UN 
General Assembly.  Minister Ban and Secretary Powell discussed major issues of mutual interest including 
the North Korean nuclear issue and the Six-Party Talks, the ROK's nuclear-material separation experiments, 
North Korea's preparation for missile launch, and the Kaesong Industrial Complex project.

2.      Minister Ban and Secretary Powell expressed their regrets that North Korea is delaying the Six-Party 
Talks by making a few excuses including the ROK's nuclear-material separation experiments, and hoped 
that North Korea would come forward to the Six-Party Talks at an early date so as to achieve progress in the 
process of resolving the North Korean nuclear issue.  Minister Ban called for the ROK and the US to exert 
joint efforts to hold the next round of talks at an early date, and Secretary Powell expressed his position that 
North Korea's strategic decision is important.

3.      Minister Ban once again explained in detail the nature of the ROK's nuclear-material separation 
experiments, and also explained the "Four Principles on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy" announced by 
the ROK government on September 18.  Secretary Powell noted that the ROK is in close consultation with the 
IAEA and the international community for transparent examination of this case, and expressed his 
appreciation of the ROK government's policy determination to use nuclear energy only for peaceful purposes 
under the principle of transparency.

4.      The two ministers exchanged analyses on North Korea's preparation for missile launch, which was 
reported recently, and noted that the ROK and the US are successfully sharing their information on North 
Korea.  Minister Ban explained the current status of the inter-Korean relations, and, in particular, asked for 
the US' understanding in and support for the smooth implementation of the Kaesong Industrial Complex 
project, and Secretary Powell expressed his understanding regarding the significance of the Kaesong 
Industrial Complex project.

5.      Secretary Powell asked for the ROK government's cooperation in the relocation of the US Embassy 
building in Seoul, and Minister Ban said the ROK and the US governments should endeavor to prepare a 
win-win solution for both sides.  Secretary Powell noted that the ROK troops dispatched to Iraq had been 
stationed without incident.


                                                              Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation