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Press Releases

Statement by the Standing Committee of the National Security Council


 [ Unofficial Translation ]


 Statement by the Standing Committee of the National Security Council

 < Four Principles on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy >


September 18, 2004


The Standing Committee of the National Security Council held its 300th meeting today to discuss the issue 
of the IAEA inspections on the experiments involving nuclear materials, as well as the position of the 
government of the Republic of Korea on this matter.

The government of the Republic of Korea has been actively taking part in the efforts of the international 
community for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, ensuring transparency, and nuclear non-proliferation.  
Through the ratification of the Additional Protocol, the Republic of Korea has further demonstrated its strong 
resolve to achieve such goals.  Recently, the  government of the Republic of Korea has voluntarily reported to 
the IAEA, the findings on nuclear experiments carried out in the past.  Regrettably, however, there have 
been some incidents of misunderstanding and unfounded allegations. Thus, the government of the 
Republic of Korea pronounces the following four principles on the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

First, the government of the Republic of Korea reaffirms that it does not have any intention to develop or 
possess nuclear weapons.

The government of the Republic of Korea has not planned or pursued any nuclear programs intended for 
military purposes and there will be no change in this policy in the future.  In addition, the government of the 
Republic of Korea reaffirms that it will not take part in any international activities or exchanges related to the 
development of nuclear weapons

Second, the government of the Republic of Korea will firmly maintain its principle of nuclear transparency, 
and will strengthen its cooperation with the international community to this end.

The Republic of Korea will faithfully abide by and implement the international agreements on nuclear non-
proliferation to which it is a state party, including the IAEA Safeguards Agreement and the Additional 
Protocol.  In addition, the Republic of Korea will strictly adhere to its commitments under relevant bilateral 

The government of the Republic of Korea highly appreciates all the activities of the IAEA to maintain nuclear 
transparency, and expects that the IAEA inspection activities on nuclear experiments in the Republic of Korea 
will be highly professional and impartial.  The government of the Republic of Korea will fully cooperate 
throughout the inspections process.  In accordance with the results of the inspections, the Republic of Korea 
will take all necessary measures to ensure the confidence and understanding of the international community.

Third, the government of the Republic of Korea will faithfully abide by international agreements on nuclear 

The government of the Republic of Korea will faithfully abide by the   agreements on nuclear non-proliferation 
including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Joint Declaration on the 
Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.  The government of the Republic of Korea will take necessary 
domestic measures to strengthen its control over nuclear materials, and will also actively participate in the 
international efforts to this end.

The government of the Republic of Korea hopes that the international community will reflect on the efforts of 
the government of the Republic of Korea, and actively cooperate with us so that all pending issues 
concerning the Republic of Korea can be dealt with in an impartial manner based on the facts.

Fourth, with the confidence of the international community, the government of the Republic of Korea will 
expand the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

As a country with a high level of dependency on nuclear energy, the Republic of Korea wishes to emphasize 
that the peaceful use of nuclear energy is a crucial national policy objective.

With the recent incidents, the government of the Republic of Korea will seek the greater confidence of the 
international community and strive for a  higher level of transparency, and against this backdrop will make 
efforts to ensure stability in the use of nuclear energy and expand the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The government of the Republic of Korea will deal with this matter in a responsible manner to ensure that 
the confidence of the international community in its nuclear policy will be sustained.

The government of the Republic of Korea seeks the confidence of our citizens on the position of the 
government on nuclear non-proliferation and peace, and calls for their full understanding and support in this 