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Press Releases

ROK Participates in the 2nd Inter-Sessional Support Group Meeting of the ARF


1. The 2nd Inter-Sessional Support Group Meeting on Confidence Building Measures and Preventive 
Diplomacy of the ASEAN Regional Forum(ARF) for the years of 2007 and 2008 will be held in Ottawa, 
Canada, from April 2 to 4. Representatives of 27 member states of the Forum including China, the DPRK, 
Japan, the ROK, the Russian Federation and the US will attend the Meeting. Director-General of the South 
Asian and Oceanian Affairs Lee Kyung-soo will head the ROK delegation consisting of officials from the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Ministry of National Defense.   

2. At the Meeting presided by Canada and Brunei, participating members will exchange views on the major 
security issues in the Asia-Pacific region, such as those on the Korean Peninsula, political landscapes of 
Afghanistan and Pakistan and  situations in Myanmar. They will also have extensive consultations on a range 
of confidence building measures and preventive diplomacy within the framework of the ARF.     

3. At the Meeting, the ROK will explain the North Korean nuclear issue, current status of the inter-Korean 
relationship and the direction of the ROK’s foreign policy to the member states of the ARF, in an effort to gain 
support and understanding from the international community in this regard.     

4. In addition, the ROK will officially express its willingness to serve as a co-chair of the next ARF Inter-
Sessional Support Group Meeting along with Singapore in order to play a more active role in establishing a 
multilateral security cooperation system in the Asia-Pacific region. 

5. In addition, Korea will work closely with the ARF member states in order to launch the ARF Virtual Working 
Group on Cyber Security and Cyber Terrorism within this year, the promotion of which Korea has been 
leading in an effort to develop the outcomes of the 4th ARF Seminar on Cyber Terrorism held in Busan in 
October, 2007. 

                                                                   Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation