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Press Releases

Minister Attends the G8 Development Ministers’ Meeting


1. Minister Yu Myung-hwan attended the G8 Development Ministers’ Meeting on April 5 in Tokyo during his 
visit to Japan. He suggested consolidating partnerships among the donor countries, and participated in 
discussions on ways to establish a more effective system for international development assistance.

2. At the Meeting, Minister Yu stressed the need to pursue a common goal between the traditional donors 
and the emerging ones, and proposed a more substantial way to strengthen cooperative ties in international 
aid between the main emerging donors, including China, India and Brazil, and the existing donors.

3. In particular, Minister Yu stated that it is necessary for international community to establish a new ODA 
framework to reach Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) more effectively as well as eradicate poverty in 
the world’s least development countries.

4. The heads of delegations of Russia, Italy, Brazil, the European Union (EU) and the Organization for 
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) noted that Minister Yu’s suggestion as a measure that can 
promote cooperation between the traditional donors and the emerging ones. They also agreed that it is 
necessary to carry further discussions on how to build the global ODA framework as well as how to enhance 
efficiency in providing development aid based on Minister Yu’s proposal. 

5. Representatives from the G8 members including the U.S., the U.K., Japan and France, along with those 
from emerging donors including China, India, Brazil and Indonesia participated in the two days’ 
Development Ministers’ Meeting and discussed future direction for ODA policies and measures for 
international development assistance.

                                                      Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation