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Press Releases

ROK Ambassador to the UN Appointed as the Co-chair of the Preparatory Committee for 2012 UNCSD


1. Mr. Park In-Kook, ROK Ambassador to the United Nations, has been appointed 
as the co-chair of the Preparatory Committee for the 2012 United Nations Conference 
on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), which will be held in Brazil  in 2012.

Mr. Park, who was endorsed by the Asian group for the candidacy of the co-chair,
was elected as the co-chair of the Preparatory Committee together with Ambassador 
John Ashe of Antigua and Barbuda . 

2. The Rio+20 Preparatory Committee will hold three meetings from 2010 to 2012 to 
discuss the overall issues related to the Rio+20 conference, including the adoption of 
the Rio+20 declaration. The Committee is composed of officials from ten states.

Bureau members of the Preparatory Committee: The Republic of Korea, Pakistan, U.S.
(Canada will replace the U.S. for the third Preparatory Committee), Italy, Antigua and 
Barbuda, Costa Rica, Egypt, Botswana, the  Czech  Republic, and Croatia

3. The 2012 UNCSD will assess the achievements since the holding of the United Nations 
Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janerio in 1992, and discuss 
ways to respond effectively to new global challenges. The Korean government, as the 
chair country of the Preparatory Committee, hopes to promote green growth as a global 

4. Through its appointment as the co-chair of the Preparatory Committee for the 2012 
UNCSD, the Korean government hopes to build Korea’s national brand as a “green growth” 
country, and increase the nation’s international standing as a leading country in the global 
efforts directed toward harmonizing environmental protection and economic growth.


              Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT





* unofficial translation