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Press Releases

Korea Deposits the Instrument of Ratification of the Statute of IRENA


1. On 18 May 2010, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the  Republic of  Korea 
deposited the instrument of ratification of the “Statute of the International Renewable 
Energy Agency” to the German Federal Foreign Office through the Korean Embassy 
in Germnay.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is the first international 
intergovernmental organization specializing in renewable energy. It is expected to play a 
key role in enhancing international cooperation in the area of renewable energy.

To date, among the 144 signatories which signed the Statute of the Agency, a total 
of 20 countries have ratified the IRENA’s Statute. The Statute will enter into force on 
the 30th day after the 25th deposit of the instrument of ratification.

2. Since signing the Statute of the Agency in January 2009, Korea  has actively 
participated in the establishment of the Agency. Korea  acted as the chair of the 
Headquarters Committee and as the vice-chair of the second and third session of the 
Preparatory Commission. The government has also dispatched three government officials 
to the Secretariat.

By participating in the IRENA process, the Korean government expects to increase its 
access to
renewable energy information such as renewable energy policy data and 
advanced renewable energy technology data. The government hopes the efforts will help 
the domestic renewable energy industry enhance its capacity and contribute to laying the 
foundation for the renewable energy businesses to advance into the global renewable 
energy market.

                Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT 

* unofficial translation