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Press Releases

Results of the Fourth Round of the Korea-New Zealand FTA Negotiations


Title : Results of the Fourth Round of the Korea-New Zealand FTA Negotiations

1. The fourth round of the Korea-New Zealand FTA negotiations was held from May 12 to 14, 2010 in 
Wellington, New Zealand.
 ㅇ The Korean delegation was led by Kim Hae-yong, Director-General for the FTA Negotiations Bureau 
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The New Zealand delegation was led by Alison Mann, head 
of the Korea-New Zealand FTA Negotiations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

2. Negotiations were held in various Working Groups on Rules of Origin, Services, Investment and other 
Trade Rules, such as Intellectual Property Rights, Government Procurement, Trade Remedies, etc. Both 
sides made progress on the consolidated texts of these chapters.
3. In the Working Group for Goods, both sides held discussions with regard to their priority goods based 
on initial market access offers and requests, which had been exchanged prior to the fourth negotiating 
round.  END.

* unofficial translation