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Press Releases

Outcome of the 2010 Meeting of APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade


1. The 2010 Meeting of APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) was held in Singapore, the 
chair country of APEC, on June 5-6.

2. Trade ministers from 21 APEC member countries participated at the meeting, including Korean 
Minister for Trade Kim Jong-hoon, Chinese Minister for Commerce Chen Deming, Australian Trade 
Minister Simon Crean, Japanese Foreign Minister Okada and Economy and Industry Minister 
Naoshima, as well as WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy. The agenda discussed at the meeting 
included △ supporting the conclusion of the WTO DDA negotiations, △ resisting protectionism, 
△ assessing the achievement of the APEC Bogor Goals in 2010, △ pathways to the Free Trade 
Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), and △ promoting new growth strategy.

3. Recognizing that a strong multilateral trade system will serve as the foundation for economic 
growth and job creation, the trade ministers adopted an MRT Statement to promote the early 
conclusion of the DDA negotiations.

ㅇ In particular, the APEC Ministers responsible for Trade agreed to continue technical and 
    political efforts for the early conclusion of the negotiations through ways such as 
    participation at the minister-level, and furthermore, senior officials of WTO member 
    countries, who are in charge of the negotiations, and Ambassadors to Geneva providing
    various configurations to the negotiation process.

Main Outcomes 
(MRT Statement on Supporting Multilateral trading System and Resisting Protectionism)

o Remain focused on progress of negotiations, including liberalization modalities
o Accelerate the exercise to find an agreeable balance of interests, and strengthen political
   engagement at all levels toward a final decision
o Ambassadors to Geneva and Senior Officials move the Doha work forward by holding active 
   negotiations in all appropriate for a and configurations, with our engagement as necessary
o engage in a horizontal discussion to seek path toward the end game
o Consensus only if it delivers new trade opportunities after meaningful exchanges in all areas
o APEC economies will play a leading role toward achieving the conclusion of the DDA
o Early conclusion of DDA negotiations will provide benefits to all WTO Members

4. In addition, the APEC Ministers responsible for Trade agreed that even though the world economy 
is on its way to recovery, the lingering high unemployment rates may give rise to political pressure 
to adopt protectionist measures. The APEC Ministers responsible for Trade therefore agreed to 
extend the commitment on Standstill on Protectionism, agreed at the APEC MRT in Singapore in 2009, 
until the year 2011. In cooperation with the WTO, the APEC Ministers responsible for Trade will also 
continue to undertake regular review of measures undertaken by APEC economies that impact on 
trade and investment.

5. Trade Minister Kim Jong-hoon emphasized the need to expand APEC’s activities for the early 
conclusion of the DDA negotiations. Mentioning APEC’s leading role over the past 20 years in 
resolving important trade issues, including at the Uruguay Round, Minister Kim stated that APEC 
will play a responsible role in the current impasse of the DDA negotiation process.

ㅇ Furthermore, the Trade Minister stressed the need for the G20 Summit, as a premier forum 
   for major issues on the world economy, to contribute to the progress of the DDA negotiations

6. The Ministers responsible for Trade assessed the efforts for trade and investment liberalization 
during the period of 1996-2009 of 13 economies participating in the assessment on the achievement 
of the Bogor Goals. They also discussed the “balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secure 
growth” strategy suggested by Japan, as well as ways to realize the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific 
(FTAAP) and structural reform.

ㅇ Trade Minister Kim introduced the green growth strategy pursued by the Korean Government, 
    emphasizing the need for continuous structural reform for economic recovery.

7. Meanwhile, the survey on the “Needs of Capacity Building for Regional Economic Integration” 
which was passed at the 2009 APEC Singapore AELM, and the “action plan in terms of Ease of 
Doing Business” will be carried out headed by Korea, with the outcomes to be reported at the 
2010 APEC Yokohama AELM.

8. On the occasion of the meeting, Trade Minister Kim had an interview with Nihon Keijai 
newspapers and bilateral talks with the Trade Ministers of Singapore, Peru, and New Zealand, 
discussing issues such as FTAs and the upcoming G20 Seoul Summit. 

ㅇ In addition, the Trade Minister held a bilateral meeting with WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy 
    and discussed ways for the progress of the WTO DDA negotiations.

                      Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

*unofficial translation