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Press Releases

Outcome of 2010 Job Fair for Career Opportunities in the United Nations System


1. The Foreign Ministry hosted the "2010 Job Fair for Career Opportunities in the United Nations System" 
at Kyunghee University on June 7 and at Pusan University of Foreign Studies on June 9 in order to provide 
support for Korean nationals who wish to work for international organizations. Human resources officers 
from the United Nations Secretariat, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations 
Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) were invited to the Job Fair.

  ㅇ Past Job Fairs for Career Opportunities in the United Nations System

     - In Korea : Human resources officers from UN Secretariat, UNICEF and UNDP attended the Job 
Fairs in Seoul in May, 2008 and in June, 2009. (About 1,000 people including students from around 100 
universities at home and abroad attended the Job Fairs.)
     - Overseas : About 250 Korean students studying overseas attended the Job Fair in New York on April 
9, 2010.

2. The Job Fair, co-hosted by the participating international organizations and the domestic universities, 
was attended by about 1,800 people including students from over 100 universities nationwide, which 
showed the public's high interest in working for international organizations. The Job Fair provided useful 
information on the main duties and recruitment processes of each organization.

  o In order to provide substantive help for participants looking for a job, the afternoon session offered 
workshops on how to write a résume preferred by UN recruiters as well as how to prepare for an interview, 
followed by Q&A sessions.

  o Related materials including streaming video of the Job Fair will be available on UN Recruit Information 

3. During their visit to Korea, HR officers from international organizations also conducted UN Secretariat 
mock interviews, interviews with candidates for UNDP’s LEAD Program, and interviews for UNICEF 
Gender Equality Specialist position.

  o UNDP LEAD (Leadership Development) Program : a program in which the UNDP selects about 20 
people from around the world every year and recruits them as regular officers at P-3 level in order to train 
the next generation of development specialists and executives.

4. Building on the strong participation in the recent Job Fair, held in a provincial city for the first time, the 
Foreign Ministry will continue to increase the number of the Job Fairs held in provincial areas.

                               Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT 

* unofficial translation