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Press Releases

Seventh Passport Policy Commission Meeting Held

1. The Foreign Ministry held the seventh Passport Policy Commission meeting on June 8, presided over 
by Director-General for Overseas Koreans and Consular Affairs Baik Joo-hyeon, and discussed whether 
to extend restriction on passport use in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. The travel ban to the countries 
put in place expires on August 6, 2010.

   o As the 2nd Vice Foreign Minister (Chairman of the Commission) was visiting China, the Director-
General for Overseas Koreans and Consular Affairs (Vice-Chairman) presided over the meeting.

2. Based on the assessment of the situation in the aforementioned three countries, the Commission 
has decided to extend the restriction on passport use in Afghanistan and Somalia by 1 year until 
August 6, 2011, and in Iraq by 6 months until February 6, 2011.

   o There are continuous suicide bombings and threat of attacks by the Taliban in Afghanistan, and 
armed conflicts between the interim government and insurgents in Somalia. In Iraq, terrorist attacks 
have occurred frequently amid political instability and sectarian strife following a general election.

   o Regarding Iraq, the Commission extended the travel ban by 6 months. Since a growing number of 
Korean companies plan to operate in Iraq, there is a need to review whether to maintain the travel ban 
in the near future.

3. Also, the Commission has decided to advise people who have been granted permission on passport 
use to visit MOFAT’s Safe Overseas Travel website and to register at “Online Registration of Overseas 
Travelers” before leaving for a country under travel ban. 

                               Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT 

* unofficial translation