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Press Releases

Korea and India to Hold the 6th Joint Commission Meeting


1. Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna will visit Korea on June 17-19 for the 6th Meeting of the 
ROK-India Joint Commission with Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan on June 18.

2. In the upcoming Meeting, the two Foreign Ministers will focus their consultation on progress of 
cooperation projects in a wide range of fields, including politics and security, economy and trade, 
culture, and consular affairs, which the two countries agreed to pursue during President Lee Myung-
bak’s state visit to India in January 2010. They will also discuss the current situation on the Korean 
peninsula and ways to work together on the international stage.

3. The forthcoming Joint Commission Meeting, the first of its kind since the upgrading of Korea-India 
relations to a strategic partnership last January, is expected to serve as an arena for an exchange of 
in-depth views on various topics, thereby enhancing mutual understanding, and to help boost 
substantive cooperation between the two countries.

4. The ROK-India Joint Commission, the comprehensive consultative body co-chaired by the Foreign 
Ministers and participated by officials of relevant government agencies of the two countries, has been 
convened five times since its inaugural gathering in April 2002 and its meetings will be held on an 
annual basis from now as agreed between the Korea-India leaders last January.

                        Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation