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Press Releases

Adjustment of Travel-alert Levels for Thailand (Bangkok) and China (Tibet and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Regions)

1. Considering the fact that large-scale demonstrations have dispersed and no additional uprising 
has occurred in Bangkok, Thailand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has lowered the Travel-
alert Level for Bangkok from Level 2 (Highly Cautious) to Level 1 (Precautious) as of June 9.

   ㅇ Korean nationals staying in Bangkok are asked to pay heed to their own safety.

2. Also, given the improved security in Tibet and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Regions, China, where 
bloodshed broke out last year, the Foreign Ministry has lowered the Travel-alert Level for the regions 
from Level 3 (Travel Restricted) to Level 2 (Highly Cautious).

   ㅇ Korean nationals staying in Tibet and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Regions are asked to pay 
more heed to their own safety. Those who have been planning to visit the regions are requested to 
reconsider their need to travel.

3. Please refer to MOFAT’s Safe Overseas Travel website (www.0404.go.kr) for detailed safety 
information for each country. 

                            Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT 

* unofficial translation