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Press Releases

Additional Humanitarian Aid for Victims of Uprising in Kyrgyzstan

1. As the extent of the damage caused by armed clashes between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in the city 
of Osh and the Jalalabad region in southern Kyrgyzstan on June 10, and the demand for humanitarian 
aid have risen, the Korean government has decided to provide additional humanitarian aid worth 
200,000 dollars.

   ㅇ The clashes directly and indirectly have affected over 1 million people, while leaving 187 people 
dead, 1,966 injured, around 83,000 homeless, and about 300,000 internally displaced as of June 16.

   ㅇ On June 18, the UN launched a Flash Appeal worth about 71 million dollars to ask the international 
community for emergency humanitarian aid.

   ㅇ On June 16, the Korean government decided to provide emergency humanitarian aid worth 
100,000 dollars to support initial relief operations.

2. The aforementioned 200,000 dollars will be used for the relief of internally displaced persons in 
Kyrgyzstan. Of the 200,000 dollars, 100,000 dollars will be provided to the Kyrgyz government and 
the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) each.

3. Among the relief items which the Kyrgyz government has asked for, the Korean government will 
provide relief supplies consisting mainly of food, medicines and tents, which are in high demand. 
The Korean government will give active support for various international organizations to effectively 
implement humanitarian aid operations under a cooperative system through the OCHA. 

                         Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT 

* unofficial translation