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Press Releases

Results of the Third Round of FTA Negotiations between Korea and Colombia


1. The third round of the Korea–Colombia FTA negotiations was held in Seoul, Korea June 14-18, 2010.

2. During this round, the two countries focused their negotiations on FTA texts and reached agreement 
on three areas such as telecommunications, general provisions/dispute settlement and Technical 
Barriers to Trade (TBT), in addition to four chapters that were finalized in the previous round, which 
include chapters on cross-border trade in services, competition, electronic commerce and transparency. 
In the remaining areas, their stances remained different only in a few key issues of each area.
 Both sides will continue to discuss those remaining issues during inter-session before the next round.

3. With regard to market access negotiations for goods, services and investment, and government 
procurement, the two countries engaged in intensive discussions and enhanced mutual understanding 
of each side’s positions. They also made a solid groundwork for the progress in future negotiations.
 In goods area, both sides exchanged their views on sensitivity of each product, based on request lists 
which were exchanged prior to this round.
 Both sides agreed to exchange their respective revised offer before the next round, considering the 
discussions on goods made at this round.

4. The two countries tentatively agreed to hold the fourth round in Bogota in early October. They also
agreed to schedule a small-scale meeting on several areas including investment and rules of origin in 
September to move the negotiations forward.

* unofficial translation