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Press Releases

Outcome of the 4th Meeting of the Committee on the Management of Global Poverty Eradication Contribution

1. The 4th Meeting of the Committee on the Management of Global Poverty Eradication Contribution 
was held on June 24. The meeting, presided over by 2nd Vice Foreign Minister Chun Yung-woo, 
discussed the management of Global Poverty Eradication Contribution, the evaluation of projects 
being supported, the selection of new projects to be supported, and PR plans.

  ㅇ The Korean government, under the relevant law, has implemented the “Global Poverty Eradication 
Contribution” aimed at supporting the eradication of poverty and diseases in developing countries 
since September 30, 2007, and has levied 1,000-won contribution on all international flight passengers 
departing from Korea.

  ㅇ The Korean government provides 7 million dollars annually to UNITAID, an international drug 
purchasing facility, and also contributes a total 5.1 billion won to disease eradication projects in 
Africa, conducted by six Korean NGOs, and to KOICA projects undertaken at the request of three least 
developed countries in Africa.

2. At today’s meeting, participants approved continued support for NGO projects for the 1st and 2nd 
years, and selected six new projects for the 3rd year (Oct 2009~Sep 2010).

  ㅇ New NGO projects
 1. Heart to Heart Foundation: prevent and treat trachoma in Lindi and Mtwara, Tanzania
 2. Vision Care Service: prevent vision loss and strengthen ophthalmic care services in Ethiopia
 3. Lighthouse Foundation: eradicate malaria and improve healthcare services in Blantyre, Malawi
 4. Plan: prevent the spread of HIV and mother-to-child transmission in Burkina Faso
 5. Africa Future Foundation: provide HIV/AIDS and mother and child health care services in Chimutu 
and Chitekwere, Malawi
 6. Korea International Volunteer Organization: eradicate malaria and prevent HIV/AIDS in Kisangani, 
Democratic Republic of Congo

3. Also, as part of our government’s efforts to increase contributions in mother and child healthcare 
sector, which has the lowest accomplishment rate of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the 
Korean government has decided to support the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), 
which is effectively contributing to preventing childhood disease through supply of vaccines.

  ㅇ GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)
  - It was launched at Davos in 2000 to promote child health in developing countries by expanding 
vaccine supply and developing new vaccines.
  - Since its launch, GAVI prevented the premature deaths of about 5.4 million children by the end 
of 2009, and inoculated more than 250 million children against hepatitis type B, meningitis and 

4. The Korean government is actively participating in international efforts to achieve the MDGs by 
providing the Global Poverty Eradication Contribution mainly to disease eradication projects in 
sub-Saharan African countries, including Tanzania, Uganda, Mali and Zambia. The government’s 
support for mid to long-term projects by capable Korean NGOs is expected to contribute to 
strengthening their capabilities. 

                         Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT 

* unofficial translation