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Press Releases

Outcome of the Korea-Romania Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


1. Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan had a meeting and luncheon with his Romanian counterpart Teodor 
Baconschi, who is in Korea on a visit, on July 6. In the meeting, the two sides discussed ways to boost 
substantive cooperation between Korea and Romania in a wide range of fields, including trade and 
investment, infrastructure, and cultural exchange, and exchanged in-depth views on major international 

2. After expressing satisfaction with continued substantive cooperation between Korea and Romania in 
government affairs, economy, culture and various other sectors based on their strategic partnership forged 
in 2008, the two Foreign Ministers voiced anticipation for further development of the close, friendly and 
cooperative relationship. The ministers then agreed to further strengthen practical cooperation in the 
energy and infrastructure-construction fields; and expedite revision of the Korea-Romania Letter of 
Exchange on Visa Exemption in an effort to establish a basis for more Korean firms to enter the 
Romanian market. 

3. Emphasizing Romania’s view of Korea as one of its major Asian partners, Romanian Foreign Minister 
Baconschi expressed hope for increased investment in Romania by Korean enterprises. With the Black 
Sea area recently emerging as an economically significant region, he also expected Korean firms to use 
Romania as the gateway to the Black Sea region based on close Korea-Romania ties.

4. Foreign Minister Yu extended gratitude for Romania’s issuance of a statement in support of Korea with 
regard to the Cheonan incident, followed by a request for continuous support. Speaking highly of Korea’s 
handling of the situation, the Romanian Minister proposed the two countries cooperate closely in this 

5. The two ministers had a broad exchange of views on major international issues like the situation in 
Afghanistan and on ways that the two countries can work more closely together on the international stage 
such as the UN and ASEM.

6. On the heels of the meeting, the two ministers signed the Joint Action Plan on the Implementation of 
the Strategic Partnership, which calls for  vitalizing exchange between the two countries; stepping up joint 
efforts to spread democracy; and bolstering cooperation in a variety of fields, including energy, construction 
of social overhead capital, science and technology, tourism, and cultural exchange.

                            Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation