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Press Releases

Korea, Japan and China to Hold an International Academic Conference


1. The Foreign Ministry, along with the Sejong Institute and Chosun Ilbo, will co-host a Korea-Japan-
China academic conference at the Shilla Hotel, Seoul, on October 19.

2. The conference will be held to commemorate the formal launch of the Korea-Japan-China Trilateral 
Cooperation Secretariat, which started its operation on September 1. The event themed “Toward a New 
Era of Peace and Common Prosperity in Northeast Asia” will consist of three sessions on “Vision of the 
Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia,” “Searching for the Possibility of an Economic Community in 
Northeast Asia,” and “Implications of the Launch of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat and its Role 
in the Future,” respectively, each of which will proceed with presentations and discussions.

3. The conference will bring together senior leaders of the three countries, such as former Prime 
Ministers Lee Hong-gu and Yukio Hatoyama of Korea and Japan, respectively, as well as China’s 
former State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan; prominent scholars, including a professor at Seoul National 
University Ha Young-sun, a professor at Keio University Ryosei Kokubun and President Qu Xing of 
the China Institute of International Studies; and relevant people from the media sector of the three 
countries, who will exchange in-depth views on the present and future of the regional cooperation 
in Northeast Asia, and the role of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat.

                     Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation