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Press Releases

ROK and Ukraine to Hold the 1st Session of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation


1. The 1st Session of the Intergovernmental ROK-Ukrainian Commission on Trade and Economic 
Cooperation will be held in Seoul on December 8 with MOFAT’s Deputy Minister for Trade Lee Si-hyung 
and Volodymyr Pavlenko, Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, as the heads 
of their respective delegations.

2. The meeting will mark the first of its kind to take place since the two sides agreed to upgrade the 
previous Joint Committee on Trade, which had been convened four times, to the Commission on 
Trade and Economic Cooperation. The Session is expected to serve as a significant opportunity for 
the two countries to review major bilateral issues in economy and trade, and seek out new areas of 
cooperation on the occasion of their 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations next year.

3. In the Session, the two sides will discuss in depth ways to boost bilateral trade and investment, 
and bolster substantive cooperation in transportation, infrastructure, aerospace, defense industry, 
science, technology, energy, resources and agriculture in a follow-up to the relevant agreement 
reached during the Prime Minister’s visit to Ukraine in September.

4. On the occasion of the meeting, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Ukraine’s 
State Space Agency will sign the Arrangement on the Establishment of the Joint ROK-Ukrainian 
Committee on Cooperation for Peaceful Use of Outer Space, as discussed at the ROK-Ukraine 
Prime Ministers’ Meeting in September.

                    Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation