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Press Releases

ROK to Increase Exchanges with Latin America by Sharing its Economic Development Experience


1. (Vice-) Ministerial-level officials handling national development policies of Latin American countries will visit the ROK on July 2-6 at the invitation of the Foreign Ministry and the Korea Foundation to share a vision for national development.

* Ministerial-level or other high-ranking officials from Latin American countries, who are in charge of development strategies and interested in the ROK’s experience in economic development, are invited to take part in this event designed to share the country’s experience with development policies as well as a vision for national development.

2. During the event, four officials from Guatemala, Uruguay and Ecuador will attend a seminar on the ROK’s economic development. They will also meet with such high-level officials as the Minister of Strategy and Finance, and the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, and visit relevant government agencies. On these occasions, they will learn about the ROK’s experience in establishing and implementing policies in the sectors of finance, education and industry, and discuss in depth a future vision for national development.

3. The participants will also make a tour of the Daedeok Research Complex, the Sejong Weir for the Geum River, Incheon Bridge, and the Traffic Information Center of the Korea Expressway Corporation. They will meet with officials of the Korea International Cooperation Agency, the Korea International Trade Association and the Korean Council on Latin America & the Caribbean. In the meetings, the two sides will exchange views on the cooperative ties between the ROK and Latin America and other matters of mutual concern, and discuss a wide range of issues, including ways to boost bilateral exchanges and cooperation.

4. Through the event, the ROK government is expected to contribute to the Latin American country’s efforts to set development policies by sharing its experience in economic development and a vision for future growth. Furthermore, the event is expected to help promoteexchanges and friendship between the ROK and the Latin American countries, whose importance is growing as the ROK’s partners for economic cooperation. 

                         Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation