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Press Releases

UN Security Council Adopts Resolution 2087 Strengthening Sanctions on North Korea


1. On January 23 (January 22, New York time), the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2087 condemning North Korea’s launch of the  long-range missile on December 12, 2012 and further expanding and strengthening the sanctions on North Korea contained in resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009).

2. The resolution bolstered sanctions against North Korea through, among other measures: designating additional items(6) and individuals(4) and updating nuclear and missile-related items; calling for enhanced vigilance on the activities of North Korean financial institutions (including their branches, representatives, agents and subsidiaries abroad); seeking to provide guidelines for stronger inspection of suspected vessels in high seas; directing attention to the use of bulk cash to evade sanctions; bolstering catch-all control over export to North Korea; and enhancing the mandate of the Sanctions Committee by setting out specific criteria for additional designation of entities and individuals. Furthermore, in this resolution, the Security Council expresses its determination to take significant action in the event of a further provocation by North Korea.

3. The adoption by the Security Council of resolution 2087, a tougher reaction both in its form and content in comparison to the Presidential Statement issued in the wake of the missile launch by North Korea in April 2012, is an expression of the clear and resolute determination of the international community that it will not tolerate any further provocations by North Korea.

4. In the lead-up to the adoption of the resolution, the Republic of Korea engaged in consultations with China and other members of the UN Security Council based on close collaboration with the US and Japan. Since January 2013, in particular, the ROK took an active part in the discussion process as a member of the UN Security Council.

                           Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT

* unofficial translation