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Press Releases

First Vice Foreign Minister and his Sri Lankan Counterpart Discuss Ways to Enhance Bilateral Friendship and Cooperation


1. First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Kyou-hyun held a meeting and a luncheon with Deputy Foreign Minister Karunatilaka Amunugama of Sri Lanka on July 30. On the occasion, the two sides had an extensive discussion on pending issues between the two countries.

2. The two Vice Ministers noted with appreciation that the Republic of Korea and Sri Lanka have maintained robust cooperation since the state visit of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the ROK in April 2012. They agreed to further enhance bilateral friendship and cooperation through high-level exchanges and regular policy consultations.

3. Vice Minister Kim took note of the fact that the foundation for bilateral cooperation is being laid in a wide range of fields, including trade, investment, development, employment, and cultural exchanges. He, in particular, voiced his hope that the ROK’s development assistance for Sri Lanka, one of the ROK’s key official development assistance (ODA) partners, will contribute to socio-economic development of the country.

° Vice Minister Kim extended his appreciation to the Sri Lankan government for its steadfast support for the ROK on issues concerning the Korean Peninsula and on the international stage. He asked for continued support of Sri Lanka on the ROK’s policy toward North Korea so as to prompt North Korea to become a responsible member of the international community by making the right choice and a strategic determination.

4. Deputy Minister Amunugama noted that Korean TV dramas such as “Daejanggeum (Jewel in the Palace)” are gaining popularity across Sri Lanka and that people of the country are highly interested in studying the Korean language. He expressed his hope for an increase in cultural exchanges between the two countries.

° Vice Minister Kim welcomed the contribution of the spread of Hallyu (Korean Wave or popularity of Korean pop culture) and Korean-language classes to mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of the two countries. He proposed that the two countries work together to promote cultural exchanges.

           Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation