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Press Releases

ROK and SAARC to Discuss Ways for Energy Cooperation in their 4th Partnership Seminar


1. The Foreign Ministry and the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) will co-host the “Fourth Seminar on the ROK-South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Partnership” in Seoul on September 27.

* The eight member states of SAARC are India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives.

2. The Seminar will be held under the theme of “energy cooperation within SAARC and ways to promote the
ROK-SAARC cooperation” in the presence of a total of seven high-ranking officials of the SAARC Secretariat and experts from the Asian Development Bank as well as SAARC member countries, among others. The participants will engage in an in-depth discussion on ways to promote cooperation between the ROK and SAARC.

3. The ROK Foreign Ministry has held the Seminar with SAARC since 2010 to increase exchange of information and seek out areas of substantive cooperation with India and other South Asian countries that have a great potential for development down the road. Last year, the Seminar covered the ROK-SAARC cooperation in infrastructure in South Asia.

4. The Seminar serves as an opportunity for the ROK and SAARC to explore ways to strengthen their energy cooperation and to provide useful information to Korean companies wishing to enter the South Asian market and is expected to contribute to the ROK government’s efforts to boost sales diplomacy, one of its priority tasks. 

                  Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation