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Press Releases

ROK and Colombian Foreign Ministers Meet on the Sidelines of the UN General Assembly Session


1. On the sidelines of the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met bilaterally with his Colombian counterpart Maria Angela Holguin on September 26. In their meeting, the two Ministers discussed ways to expand substantive cooperation in a wide range of fields, including the ratification of the ROK-Colombia FTA, trade, investment, infrastructure and defense industry.

2. Minister Yun noted that on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice this year, the people and the government of the ROK extend their deep gratitude to Colombia, the only Latin American country that fought alongside the ROK, for its sacrifice and assistance during the Korean War. He voiced his hope for a further increase in substantive cooperation between the two countries based on their friendship forged by blood and firm trust built during Colombia’s participation in the Korean War.

° Minister Holguin mentioned that the people of Colombia still take a great pride in their participation in the Korean War and relayed the hope of Colombia to further boost cooperation with the ROK by building upon this long-standing friendship.

3. Minister Yun took note of the recently growing bilateral cooperation in infrastructure and requested that the Colombian government take a particular interest in and support bids of Korean companies with outstanding technology and experience to expand their presence in Colombia’s infrastructure projects. Minister Holguin voiced her hope that Korean companies with global competitiveness will take an active part in a variety of construction and renovation projects on infrastructure, a relatively vulnerable sector in Colombia.

° Minister Holguin mentioned that the Colombian government will invite relevant Korean companies to Colombia through its embassy in the ROK.

4. With regard to the defense industry, Minister Yun proposed that the governments of the two countries make joint efforts with interest to further maintain and reinforce the recent momentum of robust cooperation in the field. Minister Holguin responded that the Colombian government will work to promote cooperation with the ROK in the defense industry, an area of dynamic cooperation between the two countries.

5. Minister Yun extended his appreciation to Colombia for its continued and consistent support for the ROK’s position on issues concerning the Korean Peninsula. Minister Holguin expressed her hope to share the ROK’s experiences in economic development and asked for the ROK government’s interest and support in this regard. Minister Yun responded that it will be positively considered.

6. The two Ministers shared the understanding that in light of the mutually complementary economic structures of the two countries, the bilateral FTA concluded in February this year will contribute greatly to the promotion of economic cooperation and serve as a significant momentum for the expansion of substantive cooperation in a wide range of fields. They agreed to work to complete the FTA ratification process as soon as possible.

7. At the first meeting between Ministers Yun and Holguin, the two sides shared the view on the need to promote cooperation between the ROK and its long-standing friend and key cooperation partner Colombia, and reaffirmed their willingness to work together in various sectors. As such, the meeting served as a significant opportunity for the two countries to continue promoting their substantive cooperation in a variety of fields. 

                Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation