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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Holds his Third Meeting with his Chinese Counterpart on the Sidelines of the UN General Assembly


 1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se, who is on a visit to New York to attend the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly, met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on September 27. In their meeting, the two Ministers exchanged views on the follow-up measures to the agreements reached during President Park Geun-hye’s state visit to China; inter-Korean relations, North Korea’s nuclear program and other issues concerning the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia; and global issues, including Syria and the Iranian nuclear issue.

2. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the smooth progress of follow-up measures to the agreements reached during President Park’s state visit to China from June 27 through 30. They, in particular, took note of the recent successful completion of the first round of negotiations on a ROK-China FTA and agreed to work together for smooth progress of the second round. They also agreed to communicate closely with each other to accelerate the implementation of the follow-up measures they have been working on.

3. Minister Yun elaborated on the recent efforts of the Republic of Korea to improve inter-Korean relations, including the resumption of operations at the Gaeseong Industrial Complex, which were based on the ROK government’s trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula. He expressed regret over North Korea’s unilateral cancellation of the plan for reunions of families separated during the Korean War, which are a humanitarian event in nature. In response, Minister Wang commended the aforementioned efforts by the ROK and voiced hope that the ROK will continue making efforts toward inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation.

4. The two sides exchanged in-depth views on the recent developments related to the North Korean nuclear issue, including Minister Wang’s visit to the US. Minister Yun commended China’s diplomatic efforts to make progress on the North Korean nuclear issue and emphasized the need for North Korea to demonstrate its sincerity toward denuclearization through concrete actions in order for the Six-Party Talks to resume.

5. The two Ministers welcomed that the efforts by the international community, including the UN, on the Syrian issue are moving in a positive direction. Minister Wang noted that there have lately been signs of changes in the Iranian nuclear issue as well, adding that the efforts will continue led by the “P5+1” toward more progress.

6. The two Ministers, having held three meetings, including the latest held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session, and two telephone conversations since the launch of the new ROK government, have kept their consultative channel open at all times. By doing so, they are leading efforts to set up a “comprehensive strategic dialogue mechanism” called for in the Joint Statement for the Korea-China Future Vision. 

                           Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation