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Press Releases

28th ROK-US-Japan Policy Planning Talks to Take Place


1. The 28th ROK-US-Japan Policy Planning Talks will be held in Tokyo, Japan on October 1, with Shin Beom-chul, Director-General for Policy Planning of the ROK Foreign Ministry, David McKean, Director of Policy Planning of the US State Department, and Hiramatsu Kenji, Deputy Vice-Minister for Foreign Policy of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, in attendance.

2. The ROK-US-Japan Policy Planning Talks have been held since 1991 to promote trilateral cooperation in foreign policy planning. The upcoming Talks will discuss mid-to-long-term diplomatic strategies and the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.

3. The Foreign Ministry has held policy planning talks with major countries in order to strengthen its ability to establish mid-to-long-term foreign policies and analyze situations around the world. The Ministry has held the talks with Singapore, Turkey, the UK and China this year. 

                 Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation