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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Wins Support of EU Ambassadors for the ROK’s Efforts to Put into Full Gear Its Summit Diplomacy with Europe


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se attended the luncheon hosted by EU Ambassadors to the ROK in Seoul on October 21. On the occasion, he took note of the progress in the cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the EU in the full range of fields over the past 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. He proposed that the two sides, as best partners, further deepen and expand their strategic partnership in order to develop their cooperative ties in a future-oriented manner.

° After commenting on the past 50 years of the ROK-EU relations, the Minister spoke of the ROK’s foreign policy toward the EU as well as the significance and expectations of President Park Geun-hye’s visit to European countries two weeks later. He asked the EU Ambassadors to actively cooperate in the ROK’s efforts to implement its foreign policy toward the EU.

2. EU Ambassador to the ROK Thomas Kozlowski commented that since their forging of diplomatic relations, the ROK and the EU, based on their shared values, have deepened their cooperation in not only economy and trade but also other key issues, such as politics, security and development, thereby becoming genuine “strategic partners.”

° The Ambassador voiced his hope that President Park Geun-hye’s European tour in early November will serve as an opportunity for the two sides to consult on their bilateral issues, draw up a blueprint for their future cooperation and implement it.

3. Minister Yun mentioned that he is well aware of the significance and the potential of the ROK-EU cooperation. He explained that 50 years, in the words of Confucius, is a period when one comes to understand the divine intention of the heaven. In that vein, he highlighted that the two sides, which mark the 50th anniversary of their partnership, were destined by the intention of the heaven to be "natural partners." 

° The Minister noted that the new ROK government has been making multifarious diplomatic efforts to realize the aforementioned potential. He expressed his hope that the upcoming presidential tour of Europe will serve as an opportunity to put into full gear the ROK government’s diplomacy with the EU. The unprecedented tour of European countries by a ROK President in his/her first year in office reflects the new ROK government’s will and expectations to further strengthen diplomacy with Europe.

° In terms of issues concerning the Korean Peninsula, the Minister commended the EU for its consistent support, commenting that Germany’s reunification and the experience of European integration would serve as a model for establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula and fostering a spirit of cooperation in Northeast Asia. He also expressed his hope that the EU can play a unique role in moving forward with the trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative.

4. Minister Yun, together with 17 Ambassadors and three Acting Ambassadors to the ROK from European countries, exchanged views on the current situation in Northeast Asia, including the ROK-Japan and the ROK-China relations, as well as ways to step up the ROK-EU cooperation. 

                           Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation