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Korea National Diplomatic Academy Holds an International Symposium on Korea's Middle Power Diplomacy


1. The Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) held an international symposium titled “Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy: Concerted Efforts for Common Prosperity and Happiness” on November 28.

° The symposium brought together high-level officials in charge of diplomatic policy planning and academics from MIKTA (Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Australia), including Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se, KNDA Chancellor Yun Duk-min and President Hong Ji-in of the KNDA’s Institute of National Security and National Security (IFANS) of the Republic of Korea.

2. In his keynote speech, Minister Yun spoke about the background behind the growing significance of the role of middle powers in the international community and the need for the ROK to carry out diplomacy as a middle power, presenting the diplomatic vision pursued by the ROK as a responsible middle power. The Minister, noting that that the country has played a bridging role between developed and developing countries at various multilateral fronts in the region, called the ROK’s diplomacy “glue diplomacy” that helps consolidate international solidarity. He took note of the launch of MIKTA as one of the most significant steps forward in the ROK’s diplomacy as a middle power this year, which, in his view, paved the way for cooperation among middle powers. He voiced hope that in the same that middle classes play an important role in advancing nations in a stable and constructive direction, middle powers will play a pivotal role in evolving the international community into one where people are freer and more equal and enjoy shared prosperity.

° In his opening remarks, KNDA Chancellor Yun elaborated that the ROK, as a middle power, has sought diplomacy “as middle powers,” “toward middle powers” and “with middle powers.” As a result of such efforts, MIKTA was launched as a network expected to create synergetic effect.

3. In the roundtable discussion moderated by IFANS President Hong, the panelists from the five MIKTA countries focused on the definition of diplomacy of middle powers; the ROK’s view on diplomacy of middle powers; and ways for middle powers, especially the members of MIKTA, to work together.

° President Hong highlighted 3Cs -- capacity, commitment and collective activity – as the key factors needed for diplomacy of middle powers. He forecast that the ROK would open a new diplomatic horizon for the international community through this middle power network built based on the factors. He wrapped up the roundtable discussion by asking peoples of middle powers to support their governments’ relevant diplomatic policies.

4. In the ensuing Q&A session between the panelists and the audience, questions were asked regarding the possibility of African and European middle powers joining MIKTA; the possibility of MIKTA serving shared interests of its member countries in a continuous manner; and MIKTA’s future agenda as well as ways for the mechanism to remain flexible and yet strengthen cooperation among its member states. In response, the panelists commented that although MIKTA is not limited in membership, as it has just been launched, it will need time to build its identity, decide and work on the priorities for cooperation. In terms of agenda for cooperation, the panelists mentioned that MIKTA is expected to select matters of shared concern of its member states in social, environmental and economic areas -- such as climate change, cyber security and development cooperation -- and continue exchanges of views on the matters and make joint efforts to move relevant global discussions forward, which is expected to create synergy effect from participating countries. 

                        Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation