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Press Releases

Second MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Takes Place – MIKTA Foreign Ministers Adopt Joint Communiqué on the Situation in North Korea and Agree to Hold Next Meeting in the ROK


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se attended the second MIKTA (Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Australia) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on April 13-14 in Mexico City. Foreign Minister Yun and the Foreign Ministers of Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey and Australia discussed the way forward for MIKTA and major global security issues, including the situation in Ukraine and the North Korean nuclear issue. They also discussed ways to work together on key issues in the international community concerning global governance, including post-2015 development agenda, cyberspace security and climate change.

o The second MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was held for cooperation within MIKTA, about six months after the MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was launched at a UN General Assembly meeting in September last year.

2. The five Foreign Ministers of MIKTA adopted a joint communiqué on the outcome of two-day official and unofficial consultations. In the joint communiqué, they stressed that the gradual transformation of the international system opens a “window of opportunity” for MIKTA countries with common interests and similarities to further develop their constructive and conciliatory role in tackling pressing international issues.

o Based on such understanding and assessment, the Foreign Ministers agreed to hold additional meetings between the Foreign Ministers on the fringes of key multilateral meetings and strengthen consultation on each international issue among diplomatic channels of the five countries.

o Minister Yun especially emphasized that for MIKTA to develop into a more mature cooperation mechanism, its activity and role need to be increased in three aspects of utility, visibility and versatility. The Minister stated that the ROK will draw up and present a “vision document” on the way forward for MIKTA and “operating guidelines” for a smooth operation of the mechanism.

3. Appreciating the ROK’s leadership role in the launch of the MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in September last year, as well as the country’s willingness to contribute to MIKTA’s development, the Foreign Ministers unanimously agreed to appoint the ROK as the next coordinator (chair), which will serve a one-year term, starting at a UN General Assembly meeting in September this year.

4. Meanwhile, in a session on key global issues, the five Foreign Ministers reaffirmed the seriousness of the North Korean nuclear issue and the urgent need to resolve the issue. Regarding the issue, they separately adopted a very strongly-worded joint communiqué, which expresses grave concern over the recent ballistic missile launches by North Korea and its statement of March 30 threatening to conduct another nuclear test; urges North Korea to refrain from any further provocative actions; and stresses that North Korea must dismantle all its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, including its uranium enrichment program, in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.

5. In the latest meeting, the Foreign Ministers not only strengthened solidarity among MIKTA countries but also made meaningful attempts toward the institutionalization of MIKTA. On the North Korean nuclear issue in particular, the adoption of the joint communiqué highlighted MIKTA’s importance and potential for development.

o The ROK will continue to play a leading role in accelerating the development of MIKTA, including the hosting of a MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in the ROK in the first semester of 2015 as the next coordinator. MIKTA is expected to be a more useful asset for the ROK in pursuing its middle-power diplomacy.

                       Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation