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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with the Minister of the Information Office of China’s State Council


1. On June 15, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with Cai Mingzhao, Minister of the Information Office of China’s State Council, who was on a visit to the Republic of Korea to attend the sixth ROK-China High-level Journalists Forum. On the occasion, the two sides exchanged views on the overall ROK-China relations and discussed ways to work together in public diplomacy and press relations to move forward the bilateral strategic cooperative partnership as agreed upon during President Park Geun-hye’s visit to China in 2013.

2. Ministers Yun and Cai shared the view that the ROK and China have seen remarkable advances in their relations since the establishment of their diplomatic relations in 1992 and, in particular, have maintained the highest level of ties since the launches of the new governments in the two countries in 2013. They voiced hope that the upcoming visit of President Xi Jinping to the ROK will serve as a good opportunity to upgrade the bilateral ties a notch higher.

3. Minister Yun highlighted the need for the ROK and China to take their relations to the level where their nationals can have a close rapport through contacts and emotional connection. He added that bilateral cooperation in public diplomacy and the role of the press as the key channel of communication are very important to attain the goal. Minister Cai responded by expressing consent. 

                  Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation