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Press Releases

Namhansanseong Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List


 1. The World Heritage Committee decided to inscribe Namhansanseong of the Republic of Korea on the UNESCO World Heritage List on June 21 local time at its 38th session being held in Doha, Qatar.

o The World Heritage Committee is an intergovernmental committee (consisting of 21 countries) that makes a final decision about inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List (cultural, natural and mixed). The ROK is serving the 2013-2017 term on the Committee (The ROK was elected as a member of the Committee in November, 2013.).

2. In deciding to add Namhansanseong to the List, the World Heritage Committee and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS, an advisory body under the umbrella of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre that makes recommendations to the Committee on whether to inscribe cultural heritage on the List) appreciated that Namhansanseong, designed as an emergency capital in the early 17th century, reflects the Japanese and Chinese fortress construction techniques of the period and embodies a synthesis of various defensive military engineering to respond to the introduction of Western-style weapons.

o The Committee and ICOMOS added that Namhansanseong clearly shows how the art of fortification evolved from the 7th century to the 19th century, as well as the changes in weaponry, and that as it has been inhabited till now, it holds value as living heritage.

3. The World Heritage Committee also recommended that the ROK regulate development activities in areas near Namhansanseong in an appropriate way and work to encourage local residents to participate in managing the heritage in an effective manner. The Cultural Heritage Administration, in close cooperation with relevant municipalities including the Gyeonggi provincial government, will establish and implement a master plan to preserve, manage and take advantage of Namhansanseong systematically.

o The ROK will also make active efforts to preserve the values of the heritage and restore its historical characteristics, including completing the maintenance of its main fortress and repairing damaged walls.

4. The Foreign Ministry and the Cultural Heritage Administration have exerted various efforts for inscription on the World Heritage List of Namhansanseong, which is historical evidence that shows it protected the ROK from foreign invasions from the early 7th century to 17th century. This inscription is seen to have contributed to promoting Korea’s image as a dignified culturally-rich country and letting the world know the excellence of Korea’s cultural assets.

o With the addition of Namhansanseong to the UNESCO World Heritage List, the ROK now has a total of 11 properties inscribed on the List, including Seokguram Grotto, Bulguksa Temple and Jongmyo Shrine (1995), Gyeongju Historic Areas (2000), Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes (2007), and Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty (2009). 

                Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation