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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Hosts a Luncheon for High-level Participants of the 2014 UN Public Service Forum Day and Awards Ceremony


1. On June 23, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se hosted a luncheon for high-level delegates from a number of countries to the 2014 UN Public Service Forum Day and Awards Ceremony under way in Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, as well as the Diplomatic Corps in the Republic of Korea and other leading figures from home and abroad.

° The luncheon brought together some 200 people, including former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia, who delivered a keynote speech at the UN event, and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin of Ireland.

2. In his remarks at the luncheon, Minister Yun extended his sincere welcome to the participants attending the 2014 UN Public Service Forum Day and Awards Ceremony. He noted that it was very significant that the important event to improve the quality of public service was being held in the ROK for the first time in Asia. He went on to say that it was a recognition of the ROK’s untiring efforts in the field of public service, while at the same time giving the ROK a greater responsibility towards international community.

3. Minister Yun spoke about the ROK government’s policy that puts the “happiness of the people” first, for which it is seeking to shift the paradigm of how to operate the government through “Government 3.0.” He stressed that the Foreign Ministry, for its part, is working to extend the concept of “happiness of the people” beyond the ROK. To this end, it is pursuing a policy of “happiness of the global village” which is in line with the ideals and the core values of the UN.

° Minister Yun added that in order to pave the way toward “the era of happiness of the global village,” the ROK government is making efforts both bilaterally and multilaterally, conveying the strong willingness of the ROK to fulfill its obligations and role in the international community, including the UN. 

                 Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation