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Press Releases

Outcome of the Fifth ROK-China Meeting on Fisheries Cooperation


1. The fifth meeting on fisheries cooperation between the Republic of Korea and China took place in Ningbo, China, on June 26, with officials of the Foreign Ministries and other fisheries-related agencies of the two countries in attendance. The two sides reviewed fisheries order in the territorial waters of the two countries, including the Yellow Sea, as well as the progress in implementing cooperation projects in the ROK-China Joint Statement for Future Vision.

2. Concerning fisheries order in the Yellow Sea in the first half of this year, the two sides assessed that close cooperation between the two sides helped improve overall fisheries order. Specifically, cases of illegal fishing controls and serious violations, including unauthorized fishing and violations of territorial waters or prohibited areas, have dropped 60 percent and 68 percent respectively from the same period last year.

3. In the meeting, the ROK side especially stated that illegal fishing activities by Chinese boats in waters near the Northern Limit Line (NLL) are causing enormous damage to Korean fishermen. In this regard, the ROK side requested that the Chinese side take strong and effective measures so that illegal fishing in the waters is eliminated.

o The Chinese side said that in response to the ROK side’s concerns and requests, it took various measures, including dispatching additional enforcement and investigation teams, ordering immediate withdrawal of illegal fishing boats, and increasing related education programs for fishermen. The Chinese side added that it directed governments of provinces where major fishing ports are located to strengthen related crackdown. It also said it will take action proactively, paying much attention to the issue.

4. Concerning the implementation of the ROK-China Joint Statement for Future Vision, which was agreed upon during President Park Geun-hye’s state visit to China last year, the two sides, as part of efforts to strengthen fisheries order, including crackdown on illegal fishing, decided to enhance enforcement cooperation, including holding a ROK-China joint meeting attended by Chinese fishermen, increasing joint patrols by the two countries’ guidance ships in their provisional measure zones, and allowing more officials of the two countries in charge of fisheries control to board each other’s boats in their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ).

o The two sides also agreed to establish a research system for a sustainable protection and management of fisheries resources in the Yellow Sea and expand people-to-people and technological exchanges, including exchanges among experts of the two countries, in order to promote long-term cooperation in fisheries.

5. In the past four meetings on fisheries cooperation between the ROK and China, the two sides had a candid exchange of opinions to establish fisheries order between them and discussed ways for future-oriented cooperation in fisheries. They shared the view that the meetings have served as a useful channel for consultation and agreed to continue to make the best use of the consultation mechanism.

6. The two sides decided to hold their sixth meeting in the ROK in the second half of this year. 

                              Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation