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Press Releases

Outcome of the ROK-New Zealand Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


1. On July 9, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with his counterpart from New Zealand Murray McCully, who is on a visit to the Republic of Korea on July 9 and 10. In their meeting, the two Ministers discussed in depth ways to work more closely together in a wide range of fields, including politics, economy, trade and the Antarctica, as well as the situations on the Korean Peninsula and in the region.

º Minister McCully conveyed deep condolences and consolation over the sinking of the Sewol ferry.

2. The two Ministers shared the view that their meeting would serve as a good opportunity to strengthen the momentum of high-level exchanges and further solidify multifaceted cooperation between the two countries based on the strong trust between their leaders.

3. The two Ministers drew a common understanding that their two countries have mutually complementary trade structure and hence a great potential for cooperation and that an increase in substantive cooperation in trade, investment and other economic activities will help greatly upgrade the level of bilateral cooperation in various fields. They agreed to accelerate joint efforts in this regard.

4. The two Ministers cited science, technology, information and communications as the flagship sectors of cooperation for win-win prosperity between the ROK and New Zealand that attach great significance to creative economy. In that vein, they agreed to seek ways to step up cooperation in creative economy at the third meeting of the ROK-New Zealand Joint Science and Technology Committee and the eighth ROK-Australia-New Zealand Broadband Summit.

5. The two Ministers, in view of the potential of the proposed ROK-New Zealand FTA to contribute greatly to bilateral ties as an important institutional framework of economic cooperation, agreed to work together toward an early conclusion of the ongoing FTA negotiations.

6. Minister Yun took note of close bilateral cooperation in the operations of the ROK’s research icebreaker Araon and Jangbogo Antarctic Research Station since the conclusion of the bilateral Agreement on Antarctic Cooperation in August 2012. He asked for close cooperation of New Zealand in the promising continent of the Antarctica, to which Minister McCully responded by mentioning that the government of New Zealand attaches great significance to cooperation with the ROK in the field and will work closely with the country.

7. Minister Yun brought attention to the efforts of the ROK, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, to contribute to the resolution of issues concerning international peace and security, including participating in international efforts to settle Syria and other pending issues as well as holding a briefing during its UN Security Council presidency in May. He suggested that the ROK and New Zealand work more closely together on the international stage.

º In response, Minister McCully commended the ROK’s contribution at the UN Security Council.

8. With regard to North Korea, Minister Yun noted that the country has lately been taking a two-track approach -- making conciliatory gestures, including announcing its decision to participate in the upcoming Incheon Asian Games 2014 and making a special offer to the ROK that inter-Korean hostilities be stopped on the one hand, and carrying out provocations, making threats and escalating military tensions, including missile launches and hints at a possible nuclear test, on the other. He added that the ROK government is constantly making principled responses to North Korea’s actions in line with its Trust-Building Process on the Korean Peninsula.

º Minister Yun extended appreciation to New Zealand for its consistent and firm support for the ROK’s Korean Peninsula Policy and asked the country, as a member of the Peninsula Club, to play an active role in sending a unified message of the international community to North Korea.

º Minister McCully noted that the government of New Zealand strongly supports the ROK’s Trust-Building Process on the Korean Peninsula and commends the ROK’s strength and patience in the face of threats from North Korea.

9. With regard to Japan’s moves to strengthen its defense and security, Minister Yun brought attention to deep concerns over them in the ROK, stressing that Japan should make relevant changes in a way that is transparent, contributes to regional peace and stability and dispels neighboring countries’ concerns. He also asked the government of New Zealand to keep this in mind.

10. Minister McCully commended the ROK’s efforts to work more closely with island countries in the Pacific and expressed hope to cooperate with the ROK in this regard down the road. Minister Yun, speaking of the ROK government’s plan to hold the second ROK-Pacific Islands meeting of Foreign Ministers in Seoul in November to step up strategic cooperation with those countries, conveyed willingness to work closely with New Zealand in that regard.

11. The two Ministers have worked together on bilateral and regional issues since their meeting held on the sidelines of a FEALAC meeting in June, 2013. Their meeting on July 9 is seen to have served as a substantial opportunity to further strengthen multidimensional cooperation and to seek substantive progress on issues between the two countries. 

               Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation