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Press Releases

Diplomatic Responses to North Korea’s Missile Provocations


1. The Government of the Republic of Korea considers that the latest ballistic missile and rocket launches by North Korea are not only in violation of UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea, but also a provocation that poses a serious threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia. In response to North Korea’s such provocative acts, the ROK government, in close coordination with the US and other allies, is strengthening efforts to make diplomatic responses, including action through the UN Security Council, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and other organizations.

2. At a closed-door session of the Security Council on July 17, New York time, the ROK government, in coordination with the US and other allies, raised the issue of North Korea’s missile provocations under the agenda item of “other matters.” After the session, the President of the Security Council (Rwanda), in its remarks to the press, condemned North Korea’s ballistic missile launches as violations of Security Council resolutions on North Korea and urged North Korea to fully comply with the relevant Security Council resolutions.

o Separately, concerning the latest ballistic missile launches by North Korea on June 29, July 9 and July 13, the ROK government sent a letter to the Security Council’s 1718 Sanctions Committee on North Korea, in which the government reported that the launches violate Security Council resolutions and requested the Sanctions Committee to review the matter. The ROK’s allies and friends, including the US, Japan, the UK, and France, also submitted similar letters to the Committee.

3. Furthermore, considering that North Korea’s ballistic missile launches without prior notification violate obligations under the Chicago Convention and seriously threaten the safety of international civil aviation, the ROK government, together with the US, Japan and other allies and friends, requested ICAO’s action in a letter to the President of the ICAO Council sent on July 8. In response, the President of the ICAO Council sent a warning letter to the North Korean Minister of Land and Marine Transport on July 14.

o In particular, unlike previous cases where ICAO sent letters to Director-General-level officials of North Korea, this time ICAO sent a letter to the Minister of Land and Marine Transport, a chief officer handling the safety of civil aviation, to express concern over the threat posed to the safety of international civil aviation and request North Korea to ensure the implementation of measures in the Chicago Convention.

4. At the International Maritime Organization, the ROK government also raised the issue of North Korea’s ballistic missile launches, saying that they undermine the safety of navigation. In response, the Secretary-General of the Organization sent letters on April 10 and July 11 to North Korea, in which he urged the country to abide by obligations under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).

o At a meeting of the IMO’s Sub-committee on Navigation, Communications, Search and Rescue on July 3, the ROK pointed out that North Korea violated obligations under SOLAS and the country’s ballistic missile launches are in violation of Security Council resolutions. Other countries, including the US, Japan, France, Australia and the Marshall Islands, also raised the issue with the North Korean side.

5. The ROK government urges North Korea to stop provocative acts, including ballistic missile launches, and to faithfully comply with obligations under all Security Council resolutions. 

               Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation