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Press Releases

Outcome of the ROK-Australia Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on the Sidelines of the 69th UNGA Session


1. On the sidelines of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with his Australian counterpart Julie Bishop on September 23. In the meeting, the top diplomats of the two countries exchanged views on matters of mutual concern as middle power countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including North Korean issues; ways forward for MIKTA -- a consultative mechanism among Mexico, Indonesia, (the Republic of) Korea, Turkey and Australia; and ways to work together at the UN Security Council.

* The meeting between the two Foreign Ministers marked the fifth of its kind since the launch of the new government in Australia in September 2013.

2. The two Ministers attached significance to the Event on Human Rights in the DPRK (North Korea) held on September 23 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session as one that helped raise international awareness on the human rights issues in North Korea. In addition, they agreed to work closely together to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue and other key issues in the region.

3. With MIKTA marking its second anniversary, the two Ministers agreed to work more closely together to expand the mechanism’s contributions to and role in serving the common interests of the international community. In particular, Minister Bishop expressed great expectation on the contribution of the ROK as the MIKTA chair starting from the third MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ meeting to take place in New York on September 25.

4. The ROK and Australia, as middle power countries in the Asia-Pacific region and member states of the UN Security Council, share similar positions on basic values and global issues. The bilateral Foreign Ministers’ meeting on September 23 is seen to have served as an opportunity to further step up strategic communication and coordination between their two countries. 

                Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation