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ROK and Laos Hold the 4th High-level Policy Consultation


1. Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Lee Kyung-soo of the ROK Foreign Ministry and his new Lao counterpart Alounkeo Kitthikoun held the 4th ROK-Laos High-level Policy Consultation in Seoul on September 23. They discussed ways to enhance mutually-beneficial and substantive cooperation between the two countries in a range of areas.

2. The two sides expressed satisfaction over the expansion and development of bilateral relations in various areas, including politics, trade, investment, and people-to-people exchanges, since the re-establishment of diplomatic relations in 1995. They especially appreciated robust high-level exchanges over the past one year since the last policy consultation, including Lao President Choummaly Sayasone’s official visit to the ROK in November last year, which was the first visit by the President of Laos, as well as the 1st ROK-Laos Joint Economic Committee meeting in March this year and the Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister’s visit to the ROK for the 4th ROK-Mekong Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in July.

3. The two sides decided to deepen cooperation in politics and defense and agreed to work actively to further expand trade and investment, given the potential for economic development of the two countries. Vice Minister Alounkeo hoped to further enhance cooperation between the two countries in labor, aviation and tourism. Deputy Minister Lee requested the Lao government to improve the investment environment for Korean companies in Laos and expand Korean companies’ participation in energy and resource development projects.

4. Deputy Minister Lee explained that Laos is a country where the ROK is actively pursuing development cooperation and the ROK is providing support to the country mainly in the areas of education, healthcare and water resource development. The Deputy Minister asked for the Lao government’s interest so that the Saemaul Undong official development assistance (ODA) project and the Three Pillar Policy of Laos can be linked to maximize their effects together. Vice Minister Alounkeo expressed appreciation for the ROK government’s continued support in development cooperation to promote Laos’ economic and social development and expected the ROK’s continuous cooperation in that regard.

5. The two sides shared the view that next year is a meaningful year as it marks the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. They agreed to work together to hold various commemorative events, including by sending performance groups, and decided to closely cooperate for smooth operations of such events.

6. Deputy Minister Lee stressed that North Korea’s provocations, including its threats of another nuclear test and ballistic missile launches, are posing a serious threat to peace and security not only on the Korean Peninsula, but also in the region and the international community. He asked for Laos’ constructive role in persuading North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program and take the path to reform and opening. In response, Vice Minister Alounkeo reaffirmed the Lao government’s support on the importance of creating conditions conducive to denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and resuming the Six-party Talks.

7. Deputy Minister Lee welcomed Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong’s participation in the ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit to be held in Busan in December. Vice Minister Alounkeo promised Laos’ active support for strengthening cooperation between the ROK and ASEAN.

8. The 4th ROK-Laos High-level Policy Consultation, which came after its third last year, served as an important opportunity for the ROK to deepen and develop bilateral relations and also strengthen coordination related to ASEAN with Laos, which will assume the ASEAN chairmanship in 2016. 

              Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation