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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with his Japanese Counterpart on the Sidelines of the 69th UNGA Session


1. On the sidelines of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida on September 25. In the meeting, the top diplomats of the Republic of Korea and Japan exchanged views on the bilateral relations and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

2. The two Ministers agreed to continue efforts to move stably forward the relations between the ROK and Japan, which will mark in 2015 the 50th anniversary of the normalization of the relations.

3. Minister Yun noted that in order for the two countries to see an improvement in their relations, Japan should first make sincere efforts to heal the wounds from the past, including the issue of sexual slavery victims drafted for Japan’s Imperial Army during World War II. He went on to ask Minister Kishida to play an active role in that regard.

4. With regard to the Japanese government’s recent review of the details leading to the drafting of the Kono Statement; the demand of the Political Affairs Research Committee of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party for a new, relevant statement; and Asahi Shimbun’s acknowledgement of misreporting on the issue of sexual slavery victims, Minister Yun voiced concern over their possible negative impact in creating an environment conducive to the improvement of bilateral relations. He went on to express hope that the Japanese government will make active efforts to prevent them from creating further obstacles to the bilateral relations. Minister Kishida responded by reaffirming the Japanese government’s plan not to revise the Kono Statement.

5. Minister Yun explained the ROK’s position on Japan’s security and defense moves. Meanwhile, Minister Kishida asked the ROK government pay attention to and render support on issues of concern for Japan, including the ROK’s import ban on fishery products from Japan.

6. With regard to North Korea’s missile and nuclear issues, the two sides drew a common understanding that their two countries, together with the international community, should send a strong message to North Korea; reaffirmed the need for close coordination between the two countries as well as among the two and the US; and agreed to work closely together in that regard.

7. In addition, Minister Yun conveyed hope that Japan-North Korea talks will proceed in a transparent manner within the framework of the ROK-US-Japan trilateral coordination. In response, Minister Kishida mentioned that Japan intends to work closely with the ROK in dealing with North Korea, reaffirming the Japanese government’s plan to seek a comprehensive solution to the issue of Japanese abductees to North Korea as well as the North’s missile and nuclear issue.

8. The two Ministers expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the Korea-Japan-China Trilateral Senior Foreign Officials' Consultation held on September 11 and agreed to work together toward a follow-up meeting in the near future. 

                   Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation