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Press Releases

Foreign Ministry to Hold a Meeting of its Diplomatic Missions to Multilateral Organizations and a Consultation with International Organizations in the ROK


1. The Foreign Ministry will hold a meeting of heads of its diplomatic missions to multilateral organizations at its Permanent Mission to the UN in New York on December 5. The Ministry will also hold a consultation with representatives of international organizations in the Republic of Korea on December 9. Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul will preside over the former meeting and Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Shin Dong-ik will chair the latter.

2. In their meeting, the heads of the diplomatic missions to multilateral organizations will review the ROK’s diplomatic achievements made across the board amid the enhancement of the ROK’s multilateral diplomatic standing as demonstrated by its non-permanent memberships in the UN Security Council in 1996-1997 and in 2013-2014; presidency of the UN General Assembly in 2001; and national serving as UN Secretary-General since 2007 after its accession to the UN in 1991. The senior diplomats will also explore ways and new fields to strengthen multilateral diplomacy in.

3. Meanwhile, the consultation between the ROK Foreign Ministry and international organizations in the ROK will cover ways to facilitate smooth communication and expand cooperation between the Ministry and international organizations, such as the UN, working in the ROK.

4. The Foreign Ministry, after reviewing the progress of the ROK’s multilateral diplomacy across the board in the two aforementioned meetings, will hold the meetings on a regular basis in an effort to strengthen the ROK’s multilateral diplomatic capabilities in close cooperation with its overseas diplomatic missions and international organizations in the ROK. 

                          Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation