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Press Releases

16th Korean War Memorial Built on the Bank of the River Thames


1. Before holding the first ROK-UK ministerial strategic dialogue, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se, who is visiting the UK, attended the completion ceremony of the Korean War Memorial, held at a park beside the UK Ministry of Defense on the bank of the River Thames in London on December 3. The Foreign Minister unveiled the last and 16th Korean War Memorial, which has been built in the capitals of 16 countries which fought on the side of the ROK in the Korean War.

o Among 16 countries which participated in the Korean War, the UK was the only country without the Korean War Memorial in its capital. As such, during President Park Geun-hye’s state visit to the UK in November, 2013, the groundbreaking ceremony of the Memorial took place in the presence of President Park and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge.

2. In her congratulatory message delivered through Foreign Minister Yun, President Park Geun-hye stated that the Korean War Memorial in London will not only be a symbol of the close and friendly relations between the ROK and the UK, but also a token through which future generations will remember the sacrifice and commitment of some 56,000 UK Korean War veterans. President Park also showed respect to the UK veterans who sacrificed themselves to protect freedom and democracy in the ROK.

3. Following President Park’s message, Minister Yun Byung-se delivered a congratulatory speech. In the speech, he stressed that the Korean War is often referred to as the “forgotten war,” but to the contrary, the sacrifice and commitment of the UK war veterans will be remembered forever through the Memorial. He added that the Memorial will symbolize the future of the ROK-UK relations, which is the “broad and creative partnership for peace and prosperity” that goes beyond the 130 years of friendship towards the common good of the international community.

4. The completion ceremony of the Memorial brought together about 500 people and media outlets of the two countries, including UK Korean War veterans, UK Defence Secretary Fallon, Minister of State Swire at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the ROK Army’s Chief of Staff General Kim Yo-hwan. 

                 Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation