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Press Releases

Outcome of the 2nd ROK-France Meeting Held to Prepare for the “Years 2015-2016 of ROK-France Bilateral Exchanges"


1. “Jongmyo Jeryeak,” Korean royal ancestral ritual music, for the first time ever, will be staged in Chaillot National Theater in Paris, France, in September, marking the largest-ever overseas performance of the music. The second joint meeting of the preparatory committees of the Republic of Korea and France for the “Years 2015-2016 of ROK-France Bilateral Exchanges” event took place in Seoul from January 11 through 13. In the meeting, the two countries announced most of the “Year of Korea in France” events, which include staging a performance of “Jongmyo Jeryeak” to celebrate the start of the “Years 2015-2016 of ROK-France Bilateral Exchanges.”

◦ In the meeting, the two countries approved major programs in the fields of cultural arts and tourism as officially approved projects for the “Years 2015-2016 of ROK-France Bilateral Exchanges” and reached agreement on the “Year of Korea” events to be held in France. They also started to discuss “Year of France” events to take place in the ROK from January 2016.

* The main participants in the meeting included the heads of the ROK and the French committees, -- Chairman of Hanjin Group Cho Yang-ho and member of the State Council Henri Loyrette, respectively – the ROK’s Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul and the head of the French supportive group for the ROK-France event.

Schedule of the “Years 2015-2016 of ROK-France Bilateral Exchanges” event
- “Year of Korea” in France : September 2015 – August 2016
- “Year of France” in Korea : January 2016 – December 2016

2. The ROK delegation to the joint meeting, which followed the first of its kind held in Paris, France, in April 2014, consisted of officials from numerous relevant government agencies, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Korean Culture and Information Service, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, the Korea Foundation, and the Governors Association of Korea. They discussed with their French counterparts project plans in a wide range of fields, including political affairs, economy, culture, sports, tourism, education, agricultural produce and other foodstuffs, and exchanges between youths and provincial government agencies of the two countries.

◦ The French side included 30-odd officials from such government agencies as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and Communication, Institut Francais, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Embassy in the ROK.

3. At the meeting, the two sides reaffirmed their common willingness to cooperate closely for successfully holding the “Years 2015-2016 of ROK-France Bilateral Exchanges” events.

4. The two countries agreed to hold the third joint meeting of their preparatory committees in Paris in June to discuss their plans for “Year of Korea” events other than those already announced in the second meeting as well as events for the “Year of France in Korea.” 

                  Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation