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Press Releases

Second Vice Foreign Minister to Attend the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism in Washington


1. Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul will visit the US from February 18 through 21 to attend the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism to be hosted by the US government in Washington.

◦ At the meeting to be hosted by the White House in Washington DC on February 18 and 19, the participants will seek to raise the international awareness on violent extremism, the main cause behind the terrorist attack on a French media outlet in January and the spread of terrorist threats; share successful cases of countering extremism; and discuss and develop a specific action program to be participated by governments, regional communities and civil society.

◦ The White House will host a meeting on February 18 with delegates from regional communities and civil society. The Department of State will hold a ministerial meeting on February 19, bringing together officials from 60-odd countries and international organizations, including UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

2. On January 19, Vice Minister Cho will represent the government of the Republic of Korea at the ministerial meeting to be chaired by US Secretary of State John Kerry. In the meeting, he will underscore the need for the international community to jointly counter violent extremism. He will also convey the ROK’s willingness to take an active part in international efforts to counter violent extremism.

◦ In particular, the Vice Minister will speak about the ROK’s plan to contribute to countering violent extremism (CVE), including by enhancing interest and awareness at home and abroad with regard to the issue; stepping up social engagement with vulnerable brackets that can be more easily exposed to extremism; and bolstering social integration.

3. By sending the Vice Minister to the meeting, the ROK government will convey its willingness to participate actively in international efforts to seek social, cultural and economic ways to counter violent extremism, the fundamental cause for changes in terrorism patterns, including the emergence of foreign terrorist fighters and spontaneous terrorism. The meeting, where participating countries will share their experiences of exposure to threats of violent extremism, is expected to serve as an opportunity for the ROK to seek ways to counter extremism befitting its situation.

4. During his visit to the US, Vice Minister Cho will meet with Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Catherine Novelli and Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Wendy Cutler to discuss the ROK’s possible participation in negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as well as ways to promote economic cooperation between the ROK and the US. He will also meet with Korean Peninsula experts in Washington DC and New York to exchange views on the situations on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia. 

                Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation