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Press Releases

Second Vice Foreign Minister to Attend the World Economic Forum on East Asia 2015


1. Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul, in his capacity as government delegate of the Republic of Korea, will attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) on East Asia 2015 scheduled to take place in Jakarta, Indonesia, from April 19 through 21.

2. The WEF on East Asia is one of the WEF’s regional meetings held on an annual basis separately from the WEF general assembly sessions convened in Davos, Switzerland, early every year. The theme of the WEF on East Asia 2015 will be “Anchoring Trust in East Asia’s New Regionalism.”

3. On April 20, Vice Minister Cho will attend as a panelist a public debate session themed “Mapping the Geo-economic Landscape” to assess the current geo-political and geo-economic situations in East Asia and to explain the ROK government’s diplomatic efforts to address them.

4. The forthcoming meeting will bring together the President Joko Widodo of Indonesia, Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia and other high-level government officials as well as those from academic circles and think tanks, journalists and civilian businesspeople of participating countries for discussions on ways for East Asia to address major global issues, including inclusive growth and food security.

5. On the same day, Vice Minister Cho will also attend the ministerial meeting of the Asian-African commemorative summit for the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference, where he will clearly convey the ROK’s willingness to enhance its cooperative ties with Asian and African countries. 

                Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation