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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with the UNESCO Director-General on the Sidelines of the WEF 2015


1. On May 19, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, who is on a visit to the Republic of Korea to attend the World Education Forum (WEF) 2015. In the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on ways for the ROK and UNESCO to work together across the board, including education and culture.

2. Minister Yun welcomed the UNESCO Director-General’s visit to the ROK, which marks the fifth since her taking up the current post in 2009. He noted with appreciation that UNESCO, in cooperation with six other international organizations, is successfully hosting the WEF 2015.

◦ Director-General Bokova congratulated the ROK on hosting the largest-ever WEF and extended appreciation to the ROK government for assisting the financially challenged UNESCO by hosting the forum.

3. Minister Yun conveyed the ROK’s willingness to continue working with UNESCO and the rest of the international community to have the education goals, which will be adopted at the ongoing WEF, included in the 2015-2030 development goals to replace the millennium development goals (MDGs).

◦ In addition, Minister Yun brought attention to the fact that the ROK had joined the UN Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) in an effort to contribute to the attainment of the full range of goals of the WEF. In particular, he expressed the ROK’s willingness to work more closely with UNESCO on education, including by playing a leading role in implementing global citizenship education.

4. Minister Yun and Director-General Bokova voiced concerns over the spread of extremism and attacks by its groups leading to an increase in systematic plundering and illegal trafficking of cultural heritage. They shared the view that the international community should take action in that regard by drawing upon the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

5. Minister Yun noted that Japan, turning a blind eye to its history of coercing a great number of Koreans into labor at the sites of Japan’s Meiji industrial revolution during its colonial rule over the Korean Peninsula, is seeking to have the World Heritage Committee inscribe them as world heritage sites this year. He asked Director-General Bokova to pay attention to this issue.

◦ In particular, the Minister pointed out that as the sites are for the entire mankind to cherish, discussions on world heritage candidates should be based on historical truths with not only technical but also humanitarian aspects factored in. He went on to stress that Japan’s unilateral inscription efforts should not lead to a division among members of the World Heritage Committee.

◦ Director-General Bokova mentioned that she had learned about the ROK’s concerns through various channels, taking note of the ROK-Japan consultation held at the proposal of the former country. In addition, she voiced her view that the world heritage system should contribute to the integration of UNESCO’s member states. She also responded to the Minister’s remarks by saying that UNESCO will play a role in seeking a positive solution to the issue through dialogue.

6. In closing, the Director-General, calling the ROK’s interest in UNESCO’s activities and efforts in that regard deeply impressive and the country a steadfast partner of UNESCO, voiced hope for closer cooperation between the two sides.

◦ Minister Yun brought attention to the intention of the ROK -- a member of the World Heritage Committee and a country with UNESCO intangible cultural heritage -- to work closely with UNESCO with regard to heritage that the entire mankind needs to safeguard and expressed hope for continued close cooperation with UNESCO across the board down the road.

* unofficial translation