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Press Releases

Foreign Minister to Visit Poland and Germany to Join the “Eurasia Express” Journey


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se will visit Poland and Germany from July 28 through August 1 to join the “Eurasia Express” journey.

2. In Poland on July 28, Minister Yun will attend the “Eurasia Express” and then join the participants of the “Eurasia Express” project aboard the train to travel with them from Warsaw to Berlin, the final stretch of the Express’ journey. In Berlin, he will attend the events marking the end of the journey of the Eurasia Express.

* Main “Eurasia Express” events
- Poland: K-Pop Festival on July 29 and a seminar designed to learn from the reconciliation experience between Germany and Poland on July 30

- Germany: Discussion on unification between Korean and German college students, a march for the aspired unification of the Korean Peninsula and a concert marking the end of the journey of the Eurasia Express on July 31

◦ During his visit to Poland, Minister Yun, together with his Polish counterpart, will host the seminar designed to learn from the reconciliation experience between Germany and Poland and draw implications from it for peace and stability in Northeast Asia. He will also attend the fifth K-Pop Festival to be hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Poland.

◦ On July 29, Minister Yun will take the opportunity of the visit to hold a meeting with his Polish counterpart Grzegorz Schetyna, the first of its kind between the two countries in seven years. In their meeting, the two top diplomats will discuss ways to step up cooperation in political affairs, economy and various other fields as well as on the international stage in a bid to deepen and expand the scope of the bilateral strategic partnership forged in 2013.

3. On July 30, Minister Yun will board the Eurasia Express to travel from Warsaw to Berlin, the 560-km final stretch of the Express journey, to offer encouragement to the journey participants who will soon wrap up their 20-day grand journey. In Berlin, the final destination of the Eurasia Express, the Minister will attend a debate between Korean and German college students on the unification of the Korean Peninsula; a march for the aspired unification of the Korean Peninsula; and a concert marking the end of the journey of the Eurasia Express.

4. During his forthcoming visit to Poland and Germany, Minister Yun, together with the participants of the “Eurasia Express” journey, will celebrate the end of the 20-day journey that started on July 14 in the two countries, which are symbolic of post-war reconciliation, unity and prosperity. By doing so, the Minister and the participants are expected to contribute greatly to the ROK government’s efforts to achieve a peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula, and make progress in its Eurasia Initiative, whose aim is to make Eurasia a Continent that is truly “ONE,” a Continent of “Creativity” and a Continent of “Peace.”

* unofficial translation