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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se Meets with US Representative Charles Rangel


1. On August 24, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with US Representative Charles Rangel, who is visiting the Republic of Korea, and exchanged views on a range of issues, including the latest situation on the Korean Peninsula, the ROK-US alliance, the Korea-US FTA, and the ROK-Japan relations.

2. Minister Yun explained North Korea’s recent provocation, and said that the ROK and the US, based on a firm allied defense posture, will continue to deter further provocations by North Korea, in close cooperation with the international community. Minister Yun also expressed hope that through the inter-Korean high-level talks, currently underway, North Korea will refrain from any further provocation and take the path towards dialogue and cooperation, which the ROK government has proposed.

o Representative Rangel expressed appreciation to Minister Yun for meeting with him despite the sensitive situation on the Korean Peninsula, and hoped that good results will come out of the inter-Korean high-level talks.

3. Minister Yun said that he is glad to meet Representative Rangel again about four months after seeing him, along with Pelosi, Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives, in April. Minister Yun also said that the Korea-US FTA, which entered its fourth year after entry into force, has taken the ROK-US alliance to a higher level of economic alliance, and is generating mutually-beneficial results for the two countries.

o Representative Rangel said that he has continuously supported the Korea-US FTA, and expressed hope that the ROK will participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), currently being negotiated.

4. Concerning the situation in Northeast Asia, Minister Yun said that although it is true that the statement issued by Prime Minister Abe on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II left much to be desired, the ROK government is making various efforts to create a virtuous cycle of improvement in the ROK-Japan relations.

o Representative Rangel spoke highly of President Park Geun-hye for having made a restrained response to Prime Minister Abe’s statement in order to advance the ROK-Japan relations.

5. Minister Yun also congratulated Representative Rangel on receiving a honorary doctorate degree from Dongguk University, adding that it represents the ROK people’s gratitude for Representative Rangel’s continued interest and support regarding such issues as the ROK-US alliance, the Korea-US FTA, the issue of families separated during the Korean War, the issue of sexual slavery victims drafted by Japan’s Imperial Army, and the unification of the Korean Peninsula.

o Recalling that President Park Geun-hye called Representative Rangel an eternal friend, Minister Yun noted with appreciation his special affection and support for the ROK.

o Representative Rangel said that the ROK’s development clearly shows that the sacrifices which he and his colleagues made as Korean War veterans were not in vain, and that there are no conditions for friendship between the ROK and the US, stressing the firm ROK-US alliance.

*unofficial translation