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Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se Meets with US Deputy Secretary of State Blinken


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se received a courtesy call from US Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken on January 20, and had in-depth discussions on strong and comprehensive measures to respond to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test. Regarding the implementation of measures to follow up on the agreement reached between the Presidents of the ROK and the US in October last year, they engaged in in-depth discussions on ways to expand the scope of the ROK-US alliance, including by exploring new frontiers of bilateral cooperation and developing global partnerships.

2. Concerning the latest nuclear test by North Korea, Minister Yun noted with appreciation that progress is being made in discussions on specific UN and bilateral sanctions to respond to the nuclear test through the ROK-US-Japan vice foreign ministerial meeting (January 16) and the ROK-US vice foreign ministerial meetings (January 16, January 20), following various consultations swiftly held between the Presidents of the ROK and the US and between the foreign ministers of the two countries. Minister Yun said that the fact that about 90 countries around the world announced strong statements condemning North Korea’s nuclear test immediately after the test shows North Korea is now in a confrontation with the entire international community.

o Recalling that the Presidents of the two countries agreed to handle the North Korean nuclear issue with utmost urgency and firm determination in their summit in October last year, and also agreed to pursue strong and comprehensive sanctions in response to the latest nuclear test in their phone conversation on January 7, Minister Yun stressed that the ROK and the US need to lead the international community’s united response, drawing upon wisdom and capability.

o To that end, Minister Yun said that while first of all focusing on the adoption of a strong and effective Security Council resolution, the ROK and the US need to make sure that North Korea faces grave consequences by continuing to strengthen bilateral sanctions measures and the international community’s pressure on North Korea at various levels through various means.

o In particular, Minister Yun emphasized that based on the cooperation between the ROK and the US, the two countries need to continue communications with China and Russia, and to show North Korea the firm determination of the leaders and people of five countries participating in the Six-Party Talks not to tolerate North Korea’s nuclear weapons through action, not words, by facilitating various mini- and multi-lateral cooperation among countries participating in the Six-Party Talks, including between the ROK, the US and Japan, between the ROK, the US and China, and between five countries involved in the Six-Party Talks.

3. Deputy Secretary Blinken pointed out that North Korea’s provocation is the biggest threat to regional peace and stability, and stressed that the ROK and the US are sharing their firm assessments of the situation regarding the latest nuclear test by North Korea. Deputy Secretary Blinken also said that the US, in close cooperation with the ROK government, will mobilize a wide range of measures to put pressure on North Korea over its wrong behavior.

o In particular, Deputy Secretary Blinken said that based on the results of the ROK-US consultations, the ROK-US-Japan vice foreign ministerial meeting, and discussions with members of the Security Council, he and Secretary of State Kerry will clearly state once again during their visit to China that the US takes the latest nuclear test by North Korea seriously, and will work to persuade China to play an active leadership role in adopting a strong resolution at the Security Council.

o The two sides agreed to continue to closely cooperate in dealing with North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, making best use of various bilateral and global meetings on foreign affairs and security, scheduled to take place.

4. Furthermore, Deputy Secretary Blinken proposed that as the Presidents of the ROK and the US agreed in their successful summit in October last year, the two countries make concrete efforts to explore new frontiers of bilateral cooperation and develop global partnerships, with a focus on public health and security, energy security, peacekeeping operations, and response to climate change.

o In response, Minister Yun said that the ROK will take concrete steps to implement its four major cooperation projects in developing countries, including support in the areas of public health and scientific and technological innovation. He also said that the ROK will further enhance its collaboration with the US in nuclear security by serving as chair of the IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security, to be held in December this year.

o Deputy Secretary Blinken stressed that the Obama administration will continue to place a high priority on its policy of rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific during its remaining term, and said that the policy will remain in place regardless of a change of administration. Minister Yun pointed out that despite urgent issues in the Middle East, including ISIL, the importance of the policy of rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific is growing at this time when regional peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia are being challenged by North Korea and its nuclear issues.

o Minister Yun and Deputy Secretary Blinken also agreed to closely consult on various diplomatic schedules to discuss ways to further strengthen the ROK-US alliance.

*unofficial translation