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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se Engages in Multifaceted Diplomacy at the UN and in Europe to Respond to North Korea’s Nuclear Test and Missile Launch


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se will visit New York and Munich from February 9 to 14 to visit the UN and attend the 52nd Munich Security Conference.

2. Minister Yun will visit the UN from February 9 to 10 at this time when intense discussions are expected to take place on a Security Council sanctions resolution in the wake of North Korea’s long-range missile launch on February 7. In his meeting with representatives of the Security Council members, Minister Yun will request that the Security Council show action commensurate with its authority and responsibility by adopting a strong and effective resolution in response to North Korea’s behavior directly challenging the international community.

o Minister Yun will also meet with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and request his interest and cooperation to ensure that a Security Council resolution is adopted swiftly.

o Regarding this, on February 5, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered to the ambassadors of the fifteen Security Council members a letter from the ROK Ambassador to the UN and a non-paper containing the ROK’s position on North Korea’s fourth nuclear test and missile launch.

3. Following his visit to New York, Minister Yun will attend the Munich Security Conference from February 11 to 13. Minister Yun will meet with key figures participating in the Conference, and discuss the international community’s strong sanctions against North Korea in response to the North’s fourth nuclear test and long-range missile launch.

o Minister Yun will meet with senior officials, including US Secretary of State Kerry, the foreign ministers of the European members of the Security Council, the German Foreign Minister, and the EU High Representative. In the meetings, Minister Yun will request cooperation to ensure the adoption of a strong and effective Security Council resolution, and discuss ways to strengthen pressure, including unilateral sanctions by the US and the EU.

o At the upcoming Munich Security Conference, a high-level debate hosted by the German Atlantic Association will be held as a side event on February 11 for the first time. Minister Yun, who was invited by the Association, will give a keynote address on ways for the ROK and NATO to cooperate on the global stage, as well as the North Korean nuclear and missile threats.

- The keynote address will be the first one to be delivered by Minister Yun on the global stage since North Korea’s fourth nuclear test and long-range missile launch. In the address, Minister Yun will explain the ROK’s multifaceted efforts to pursue a Security Council sanctions resolution, unilateral sanctions by each country, and the international community’s measures to put pressure on North Korea.

4. Minister Yun’s forthcoming visit to New York and Munich will offer an opportunity to stress in a wide range of bilateral and multilateral high-level contacts that North Korea’s nuclear test and long-range missile launch are not only a problem for the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia, but also a threat to peace and security in the entire international community. The visit is also expected to provide a timely opportunity to secure stronger responses and cooperation from the Security Council and the international community.

* unofficial translation